Our Market Trend Advisory is based on technical indicators, market internals, and market sentiment indicators. We provide data for both the S&P 500 and Nasdaq market indexes
More specifically, buy and sell signals are generated when the Nasdaq or S&P moves above and below its 21-day and 50-day moving averages, and these market movements are used in conjunction with the number of institutional high-volume selling and buying days. Combined, this data accurately portrays the market’s current uptrend or downtrend status.
We use the 21-day moving average because a move above or below this moving average can signal the beginning of a change in trend. A move above or below the 50-day moving average often signals an actual change of trend.
In addition, tracking market sentiment and other technical factors helps to pinpoint potential changes in trend. For example, when market sentiment gets too bullish, a correction usually follows. However, sentiment indicators are only useful when they are at extremes, so they are a secondary factor.
As the Market Trend Advisory gives you market signals each day, it’s designed to make sure your trading is in line with the current trend.
We always provide the basic market trend – Market In Uptrend, Uptrend Uncertain, and Market in Downtrend. In general, you will invest only when the market is in an uptrend, hold or take profits during Uptrend Uncertain, and exit most positions during Market in Downtrend.
A very powerful method of using the Advisory is with index ETFs like QQQ or SPY. You buy or sell according to our Market Count. You will learn more about the strategy inside the member’s area.
For individual stock traders, you can use the Market Count changes to add or reduce positions, or as an overall signal to take profits after a long uptrend.
All stock investors, whether they are beginners or advanced traders, will find this an invaluable tool for staying with the market’s trend and making the most from your stock positions. It will help keep your emotions from causing you to make poor investing decisions.
Yes, the system works no matter if you invest in growth stocks, value stocks, dividend stocks, ETFs, or any other type of stocks.
The Market Trend Advisory is especially useful for growth stock investors, as changes in market trend frequently lead to large movements in these stocks. You’ll find it’s very helpful in determining when to take profits. Conversely, following the trends helps you avoid losing money when the market is in a correction by keeping you out of a poor market.
You can cancel anytime by contacting us.
If you cancel an annual membership, you will receive a pro-rated refund based on the number of months left in your subscription.
Monthly subscriptions will remain active until your next billing date, upon which you will no longer be charged.
Each day we list our latest growth stock picks in our website’s Member’s area. We use an extensive screening procedure each day to find stocks with the best fundamentals and technicals.
We place stocks into Watch Lists and Ready Lists.
Watch List stocks are those not yet ready to buy but bear keeping an eye on,
Ready List stocks are ready to be purchased now.
We also provide optimum buy price zones so you buy them at the correct prices and not too extended.
In addition, you get a Watch List for both regular growth stocks and Long-Term Outperformer stocks. These are very stable slower-moving stocks with great long-term price performance. We generally try to buy these at key moving averages.
All stock investors, whether they are beginners or advanced traders, will be able to find the best stocks available on any given day. No more guessing which stocks are the ones most likely to make large moves up.
You can cancel anytime by contacting us.
If you cancel an annual membership, you will receive a pro-rated refund based on the number of months left in your subscription.
Monthly subscriptions will remain active until your next billing date, upon which you will no longer be charged.